August 01, 2012
a long time never been here... lost n dust...
dear fellow friends .... it was long time ive never been here and update this dust blog...
just passing thru to wish all Muslims out there
HAPPY 'O RAMADHAN ... may ALLAH bless upon us all....
September 06, 2010
Celebrating the victory
Salam Aidilfitri everyone...
After a month we are fasting, n now come the day where we celebrating the victory... Aidilfitri ...
And i would like to wish all of u .... be hapy n great ~
After a month we are fasting, n now come the day where we celebrating the victory... Aidilfitri ...
And i would like to wish all of u .... be hapy n great ~
August 23, 2010
Officially im quiting n canceling my previous social web myspace,friendster & tagged .. hahah, didnt realized ive so many of this social web previously, didnt get chance to manage all of it at once... so better i terminate it, and right now stick with facebook n blog ... this 2 web oso im rarely update... but still prefer to keep this facebook n blog remain until when, i dunno , only time will tell .. ?
cheers ~
August 08, 2010
Alhamdullilah, Kita bertemu lagi dengan Ramadhan... moga kali ini puasa dan amalan kita bertambah keberkatan dan kerahmatan dariNYA, amin ~
July 18, 2010
Thou seek soul power
Currently bein addictived to this game, DEMON'S SOUL a Playstation 3 exclusive rpg game, was bein up as game of the year 2009, its worth this game got the goty title, its awesome game ...
Ive bought this game many months ago, maybe last year, 2009... haha, before this it just keeping dust in my rack, coz the hard experience playing this game, but now, once ive got the tempo of the game, im enjoy it...
This game can be played by offline or online, but trust me, playing online is more nice n great, where we can coop with other players up to 4 player in one game... this game got it own style, you can google it for more info of this game, Demon's Soul is another rpg title that listing in my all time fav rpg game... thumbs

For those who wanna try, can try search for this title at ur nearest game store or buy it thru online.... cheers ~
June 07, 2010
new header is up
Hmmm, nothing to do, after have a visit on frens blog, ive feel want to design again my blog header, just try n try n try... ahh demn, im not so talent, its true that quote ive put inside my header up there... my skill just a basic n nuub skill of graphic... but nvrmind, will keep learning from time by time... and so here i up my new look header for this blog, enjoy... gud nite =)
May 31, 2010
supporting lifeline 4 Gaza
The Vision of Lifeline 4 Gaza :
"Our ultimate vision is to work together with the International community in helping Palestinians to hold every rights on their motherland, and eventually be able to live in peace as any other beings would want to be. We uphold the believes that each Palestinian, including those forcefully living abroad and foreign camps, has every right to return to Palestine. All Palestinian lands that have been robbed by the Zionist must be returned to their rightful owners."
Those dirty damn pig dog israel was attacking the convoy early morning by malaysia time, kill more than 10 unarmed people in the convoy.They (israel) is very2 dirty pig people, cursed them all!
For those our muslims brothers n people in that convoy, we pray for everyone of u there, ALLAH is with us in the right path, may ALLAH bless all of u there,
Only pray can we give here for them to achieve the vision n hope they are protected by ALLAH...
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